Various Happenings



Sorry about missing last week, the Halloween streams needed to be taken care of
and that's kind of a special thing that only comes around once a year.  But here
we are again, and more of the world is revealed!  What does it all mean, though?

Until next time!

(Also don't forget to check out The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, if you haven't already!)




Schedule maintained!  It's time for more exposition, but hopefully not too much.  Lyle sure does love to talk a lot, doesn't he?  Well, next chapter will make up for it with a good lack of talking, at least for the most part!

I hope you enjoy that as much as I will!

Until next time!

(Also don't forget to check out The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, if you haven't already!)




Talk about general overestimation of one's ability!  Well, we're done with commissions for the foreseeable future (aside from the on the spot style) and now we're finally turning back to doing what we love to do, which is comics.

I know it's been up and down, and there are no excuses, things have just been difficult, but here are, and here we go!

Once more!  Until next time!

(Also don't forget to check out The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, if you haven't already!)




Battling sickness and the general overestimation of myself and my ability to work
on two things while still having other obligations, it seems things have taken a bit. 

It's been rough, and I have had a hard time but we've eeked it out.

We're going to be doing Clara and Various Happenings in alternation, so if
you like all-ages space adventures, I emplore you to check out my other
work, The Adventures of Clara Cosmos.  If not, I'll be back as soon as
possible with another update.  I'm aiming one a week, alternating, so we'll
see where that gets us.

Regardless, until next time!




This week was strange, and this one took a little more doing than I'd have liked!
From now on I'm going to put restrictions on my comics for these like I do for my Clara Cosmos ones, to avoid getting lost in the weeds, because I tell you, I was having flashbacks to Chapter 4!

I have failed to get ahead, but at least we got there, so thank goodness for small mercies.

Until next week!




Showing off a little on this one, but I've learned a lot since the days of Chapter 4,
and I know how to make environments without the sheer tedium anymore!

I daresay they look pretty good!  We're heading into the last scene of the chapter
next week, though it's a long one, so be ready for that!

See you next week!




A little close cut, but not too bad!  Still on time, though perhaps I should
condense things a bit!  I don't think any of the panels needed to be as
large as they were this time around.  Good thing to remember, I'm still getting
back to figuring out composition and such.  So we'll see how that affects future
updates!  Still!

Hope you enjoy!  See you all next week!




Let's go!  I'm only a hair ahead at the moment, but hopefuly I'll be able
to build a sizable buffer soon enough.  I'd prefer not to go from week to week,
after all.  I've done that before and it's not any fun.

Still!  It's good to see the girls again in their natural habitat.  As much as
I've enjoyed playing with them in more ribald manners, they feel the most...
lively when they're in context.  I do love them so.

Well, until next week!  Enjoy!




Alright!  A new year and a new goal!  No more hiatuses, no more breaks;
no more excuses, it's time to focus and we're going to move the story forward.

You all have been pleasantly patient with me and I thank you.  Now it's time
to get on with it!

See you next week!




And now she has to deal with that.
Will Cass ever get a break?


Well!  This one took a bit longer than I'd planned!
It's essentially three updates in one, but I hope you all like it
none the less.  I prefer to get these big conversations out of the
way all at once rather than having to grind through them.

Today also marks the 8th Anniversary of Various Happenings
and while things haven't gone the way I'd hoped when I
started out on this journey, I'm still going, and I appreciate those of
you who have stuck with me.

I've got a few changes to the site, mostly concerning Chapter 5 and
the Archive that are going to happen in the next few days that
I'm working on currently.  I had hoped to have them done with this
update, but I'd rather have the comic out today than hold onto it
until those are done.

Still!  That will be coming within the week if I don't get it up tonight!

Let us carry on!  And I will see you all next time.




If it's not one thing, it's another.
Further prying eyes...


Getting things out every week so far, and I hope to continue that!

I won't be doing one every week, but I dare say that there
will be more Various Happenings this year than previously.

I'm hoping to get back up to my 2017-18 rate of one a week
or so eventually!  Perhaps even faster!

But for now, I'm just doing them as I can and we're going at a
good clip!  I hope you enjoy.

Until next time!




Sometimes you just want a little privacy. 
Is that too much to ask?


A new year and unexpectedly, a new Various Happenings!

I have a lot of hopes for this year.
I feel more confident in my workflow
and in the way I do things.
I feel like I know where I'm going, finally,
and what sort of ideas I want to bring to the table.

And I feel as though I have the ability to carry them out.

I've certainly run through my fair share of failures, but
sometimes you've just got to take those lumps and keep
on going.  So that's what we'll do!

Until next time, friends!  Hopefully sooner rather than later~




Ah, it's these goofballs again.


Still clawing my way back through my work and trying to
get caught up on commissions, though I couldn't not work on
the comic, so here we are! 

I'm also working on little site updates behind the scenes
so I don't know when those will roll out but I am working
on them to be sure.

Still!  Back to the now!  I'll see you all next time!




And so we once again find ourselves in familiarily unfamiliar territory.


That was a heck of a sequence! It was originally written to be a visual
novel like Chapter 5 was, but since I pivoted away from that after
realizing it wasn't as accessable, it ended up being a tad awkward visually.

Still, I think all and all it turned out fine, and the single panel pieces
have their place going forward! There will be more traditional
comic pages and more of the animations as well!

We're heading into exciting new territory now, so stay tuned!




So much more than anything and everything,
and so next to it, anything and everything is consumed.


The sequence is almost over!  And once we are done, I dare say that
we will begin moving towards clarity!  Thank you all for the kind words
and continued readership!  I appreciate it so very much!

Until next time!





No long apologies this time or verbose letters.

We're just going to do it.

No more perfectionism; No more worry; No more expectations.
This is going to be fun again. And be about telling a story.

As it always was.

Welcome back.




Well, that was much longer than I had anticipated.

I can't really say anything, other than thank you so much for sticking around with me.
There's been a lot of changes and adjustments. Trial and error and whatnot. And this is the result of those efforts.

I've been working very hard on Chapter 5 of Various Happenings for the last ten months or so. It's been a learning experience, for sure, but I hope you'll like what I've come up with. It's been almost a year exactly, just a day shy, since the last update, too, and I'm terribly sorry to keep you all waiting.

I hadn't wanted to have it take this long, but not only did I have to find my place in the story once more, I had to find my passion for art again! It was quite a task.

But in the end, I have stories to tell, this one most certainly, and I would be remiss if I let it lie. I've quit before, but I promised myself that this time I wouldn't. So I won't.

I hope so very much that this will be the last hiatus of this length. The next bit won't be as long, or as long between, certainly, and the next episode won't be a full chapter. I'll be breaking them up for faster release and things should go faster that way as a result. We'll just see how it goes. I'll probably be posting some exerpts or stills from this that I like in particular later, too, so feel free to comment on those.

I've learned a lot, and while October is always a very busy month for me, I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some time to write and prepare.

For now, please enjoy the show. And once again, thank you for reading. It means so very much to me, and I hope to see you again in the future.

Until next time.




Hello everyone!

Well, after five and a half years, here we are, the end of...
The Prologue?  The first book?  Book 0, perhaps?

It's a definite end to this era of VH and my life,
a sort of milestone I've been looking towards for a LONG
time and for a while I wasn't sure it would actually happen!

I've learned a lot of things about how to (and how not to)
do things with making the comic.  Ideas have been brought
up and scrapped a lot behind the scenes and though
I've been working on it for a long time, I still feel
like we're just getting started.

But, rather than getting depressed and feeling that I'm
going to be stuck doing this forever or that it's time to
quit, I do want to look towards this time working on
Various Happenings as a learning experience.

I've got new material in the works that is fresh
to me in addition to stuff you all have never seen
and I'm eager to get on it and start progressing things.

So once again, we're at the close of a chapter, the
future a mystery.

I'm going to be taking a bit to finish writing the next
two sections (probably an intermission and the next
chapter, though it might be two chapters depending
on how long it runs), and work on another project
with a different tone for a bit before diving back in.

It won't be too long, in fact, it'll probably shorter
than a lot of the gaps, but hopefully, I'll have
something big when I come back.  So stay tuned!

(You can see what I'm up to
over at

Once again, thank you for reading, and
I'll see you next time~!




Hey there everyone!

This one took longer than I expected, but I was
frontloading some things and experimenting with
the format as you can see!

Hopefully some of this will speed things up in the latter
stages as while the characters have a lot to say,
conversations and conversation pages are not my
strong suit.

I just tend to get bogged down in them,
but alas, some parts of the upcoming stuff
are just going to be a lot of talking so
I'm going to do my best to make sure that it's
a bit better for all of us!  Hehe.

As for Cass, well, she's had a rough day.

I think we'll let her be for now.

See you next time~!




Hallo all!

Surprise surprise!  An update, this quickly?
Pretty amazing, don't you think?

I'm experimenting once again with the short action panels
so this update has four parts.  Be sure to see them all!

Just a fun little thing, that's all.

Only one or two more updates left in this chapter!
I'm rather excited!

I'll be happy to have you join me heading into Book 1 proper!

As for poor Cass, I'm sure she'll be happy to
have a break fairly soon!

See you, hopefully, next week!




Hello hello, everyone!

Sorry for the long wait, I'm still getting my personal stuff
sorted out and getting my teeth worked on,
so things have been dragging just a little bit.

Hopefully by the end of this year I'll be back
on at least weekly updates.

I've been planning and writing a bit.

Since I haven't updated in a couple months due to
convalescing, every $20 tier benefactor from Patreon
for the last three months is up on the side, so I
didn't leave anyone out!

I do, once again, thank you for your patience.
Home stretch now.  This little preamble is almost over
and we'll be moving onto the first act in earnest
soon enough.

Thank you once again for reading.
I'll see you next time,
hopefully sooner rather than later.



Well fancy meeting you here!

It's been a month and some days since the last one
hasn't it?

I do apologize.

There's a lot of anxiety in the world right now and
not to mention my own personal health issues
have been rearing their heads a bit.

Progress has been slow, but there has been progress.

Thank you for sticking around.

 I suppose the only question is... who's that?



Back again!

Things are still going slowly, working on commissions and
the like.  I'm hoping that can finish this month and I can
just take off into these updates!

I might even be able to work on merch and other
supplimental materials, so keep an eye here for
announcements on that sort of thing!

Still experimenting with pacing and such, but
I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Determined Cass is determined.  Will she have the guts
to see it through, though?  I suppose only time will tell.

Thank you for reading!  See you around



There we are!

Sorry about the long gap, I was sick (physically and mentally)
for about a week at the beginning of the month, and I,
frankly, bit off a little more than I could chew with this
particular update.

But!  The pacing is good and I hope to start packing more
story into these and start moving things along with shorter
more frequent updates in the future.  Until I finish my
commissions, things will continue to be in fits and starts,
but overall the amount of narrative action should speed up
as we go!

So yes, flashback done, all that's left is to wrap this up and
once that's done, it's time for a change of scenery!

I can't wait!  See you again soon!



Hello everyone!  Just peeking in!

No update yet, I've been working on a big one and I'm
also a bit under the weather as of late.

Don't worry, it's not the virus.  I've just been having some
stomach and fatigue issues.  Been a bit emotionally
checked out as of late and it's been hard to get
work done.  But I'll get over it.

I went and updated our Special Thanks, anyway!

Should have done that at the beginning of the month but
there's been so much to focus on that I just haven't
been able to process it all.

Anyway, the update's moving steadily along so we'll
keep on working on that.  Thanks for checking in! <3



Ah!  And now... we're back where we began.
A prime time to move forward, I think!  Don't you?

We're heading into the final scene of this chapter!  This one's
going to be a bit wordy so I'm going to see about some
experimentation with it.  I hope you all find it interesting!

This page was a hard one to get out!  It didn't feel like it should
have been, but I wasn't feeling all that great during it.

Still, I like the way it came out!  Very moody!

I'll see you all next time~!



An update!  How delightful!

I think we have one more before the end of this delightful
little jaunt through Cass' memories and then maybe eight
or so updates before we finally finish this chapter for good!

I can't tell you how good it has felt to get back to this!
The whole thing's brought a renewed sense of wonder
that I haven't had in a long time.

Besides, it's good to have things to do while stuck at home!

(Who am I kidding?  I'm a homebody, anyway.)
See you next time, and thanks for reading!





Well well well!  It's been a long time, I must say!  Welcome back, my friends to Various Happenings!

It's been a long slog, but my backlog is almost emptied out and I'm well and truly back on my way.  I couldn't let the fifth anniversary of this little project go by without doing something special, so here we are!

As you can see, the site has been well and truly revamped!  There's a lot of new polish on things and I've done my best to make sure I haven't broken anything too seriously. 

This is going to be a new experience for all of us, so I hope you enjoy it!

A few differences, straight out of the gate.  I've dispensed with the page format for the most part.  There will be a lot more panels, a lot more text, perhaps even some long pages (like the first of today's) and maybe even some animations!  I'm going to... play a bit more from now on, and see what I can really do.

What does this mean for you?  Well, I'm going to be not working on a set schedule, exactly.  Shocking, I know, considering the trainwreck of an update schedule the last few years, but do not worry, I will do my level best to update at least once a week as I'd intended.  In fact, with some updates, they might come more often than that!  Others might take longer, so we'll see what happens.  I'm going to follow my muse on this one.

(I can sense a few of you rolling your eyes on this one, but trust me, it's the only way she'll let me get anything done.)

Either way, look for more interesting things in the upcoming updates!

Now, there are a few things that I need to work on.  I didn't get as much completed for this one as I'd liked, since I've spent the whole last week pounding away at the site, but I'm a good ways through the next update already. 

Also, the Cast page still isn't updated but that's high on my list, and I want to do headers for the chapters in the archives.  So there's still some improvement on the site to be done.

Feel free to let me know if anything is broken!  You can e-mail me at sali[at] or note me on one of the sites below.

Hopefully, now that the long slog is over, the long wait will be to.  I'm going to throw myself into this world again, and I hope you will join me, because I don't intend to stop.

Thanks for coming back!




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