Various Happenings
A Curious Comic by J.M. Havens

Latest Update: 2025/03/20This comic is rated for Mature Audiences - Viewer Discression is Advised
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One of these days, when I say "see you next week", I'll actually mean it!

Things have been rough, and if you follow me elsewhere, you know that.
But I've been trying my best to keep things going.  The holidays are always
rough, and then... January happened and I got very sick for a while, then
February happened... and well, things have just kind of sucked all around.

But that's okay.  We will carry on.  After all, if we don't tell Cass and Eddie's
story, then who will, right?

This scene's getting a bit long in the tooth, so let's see if we can't wrap it up
here in a few pages.  After all, we don't want Cass to say in this weird place
for the rest of forever, do we?

Until next time!


(P.S. I'm Sali again!  What a strange thing, but here we are!)

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